Sunday, March 29, 2009

Friends and Lessons

This past week Caroline and Christen had midterm break so they went away for a few days, Nicholas' family was here visiting so they were off doing their own thing, and I was going to school, coming home, and then......just being. Or so I thought thats how it would be. Many of our friends knew these things were going on and were surprised when I said I was just going to be at school and then I would be alone the rest of the day. I didn't really think much of it, until the first day I was alone. Nicholas and his family went together somewhere and I had the house to myself. Bang, bang. The gate? Who is it? Nani? No response, ok great, lets see who it is. 4:30 pm, I get home from school about 4:20. First visitor of the evening, a friend who I had only met the night before and wanted to come see the others. Pole, bwana. They weren't here. He left after a while and I went back inside. A little while later, bang, bang. The gate again? Ok, so I get up to see who it is. Ah! One of our very good friends, Mussa, who I saw earlier on my way home from school and he told me he would stop by because he knew I was alone. He was coming to tell me he wasn't able to stop by today because he was so tired from work but he would come by tomorrow. Ok, said goodbye went inside. I started cooking dinner (which by the way after cooking dinner for four people it isv ery weird to cook for only myself) and another bang, bang on the gate. This time it was one of our best friend, Godi, who also knew I was alone and wanted to come keep me company! He was the last visitor for that day, but the next day, Thursday the same thing happened. Only different people came.

Thursday and Friday were filled with my friends coming over and hanging out with me because they all knew I was alone and didn't want me to be lonely. Sometimes we talked, sometimes we just sat there reading magazines and books, but what mattered to them was that they were there with me. I even met some new people these nights, as random people stopped by to greet Nicholas' family (even though they weren't there), and friends brought their friends over.

I realized after thinking about these past few days that even though I have only been here for four months, the people I have met here have quickly become my close friends and even some of them as close as family. It meant a lot to me that they took the time to stop by and spend an hour with me because they didn't want me to be alone. People are busy during the week with work, with school, who really has the time to visit with a friend for a while during the week? It didn't matter to them if they were busy, they showed me how much they cared for me and our friendship to take the time out and come spend a few hours with me for a few nights a week.

As I mentioned in previous emails/blogs, I am constantly amazed at the hospitality and generosity people have shown me here. This follows suit. The friendships I am making here, while they are still in the beginning stages, are going to be strong, lasting relationships. They are always teaching me something new whether they know it or not. They teach me swahili, they teach me the culture, but they also teach me patience, how we should show we care about each other, to give and give and give even if you have nothing, to value those who are close to you.

I am going to steal Caroline's word to describe how I am feeling right now: content. I am sure that this is what I am meant to be doing right now, it feels so right and it means so much to me. The relationships I am forming are very life giving, teaching is challenging yet enlightening, I am learning to be completely open to things and to welcome new experiences. Through all of this I am feeling very content. I am at peace. I know that God is doing something in my heart through these experiences and lessons, and I hope that I am sharing some of that with you all.

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